Medium Size Dog Beds
Great Beds For Medium Size Dogs
Medium size dog beds are made for dogs weighing between 25 to 55 pounds. A vast majority of dog breeds fall within this weight range. Dogs that fall in this category will have various types of sleeping styles. Your objective is to purchase a bed that fits his sleeping style.
Within this weight range are lots of brands that provide beds for dogs. Some brands focus on orthopedic and memory foam and others on soft material for comfort and support. While this is good, as pet parents, your jobs is to find one that is best for your dog breed.
Another factor to consider when purchasing a dog bed is to consider his age. As dogs age they do develop arthritis, aching muscles and joints. Most dog owners know that providing your pet a bed is best for their overall health. It keeps them off the hard cold floor which can aide in their aching muscles and joint issue.
One final factor, find a bed that they can grow into. If you have a puppy, he will grow and will out grow the current bed he has. So, you will be spending more money on a new bed. We highly recommend that when you purchase a bed, select one that he can grow into when he reaches his adult size. You may have to check with your vet to get his breeds adult size and weight to secure this information.
Types of Medium Dog Beds
Below are some types of medium dog beds on the market today. Just click on any link to be taken to the page where you can purchase that specific type of bed.
Most of these beds are lightweight and portable to move from room to room with ease.
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