Dog Bed Sizes

Dog Bed Size Guide

Dog beds come in all types of shapes, sizes and colors. The dog bed size guide will help you in selecting the correct size bed for your dog. If you are a new pet parent, knowing the correct size bed will be helpful information as you make a bed selection.

Dog beds come in the following sizes:

  • Extra Small: Dogs under 10 lbs. (Chihuahuas, Pomeranians, Maltese)
  • Small: Dogs between 11 and 25 lbs. (Shih Tzus, Pugs, Poodles, Boston Terriers, Chinese Cresteds)
  • Medium: Dogs between 26 to 40 lbs. (Beagles, Scottish Terriers, Sheepdogs, Miniature Schnauzers)
  • Large: Dogs weighing between 41 and 70 lbs. (Boxers, Bulldogs, Cocker Spaniels, Bassett Hounds, Bull Terriers)
  • Extra Large: Dogs 71 lbs. to 90 lbs. (Labs, Golden Retrievers, German Shepherds, Rottweilers, Collies, Huskies)
  • Jumbo or Giant: Dogs 91 to 110 lbs. lbs. (Malamutes, Mountain Dogs, Old English Sheep Dogs, St. Bernard, Weimaraners)

Dog Size Tips

Below are some steps you can follow when trying to select the correct size bed for your dog. Read all the steps first before making a bed choice.

Step 1: Recognize Your Dog’s Sleeping Style

This is the most important step. Knowing your dog’s sleeping style will go a long way in finding the correct bed. Sleeping styles of dogs are:

  • Sprawlers: These are dogs that like to stretch out in all directions when sleeping. Or, if they like sleeping on their back. Rectangular beds are the best option for these styles.
  • Curlers: These are dogs that like to curl into a ball when sleeping. This helps conserve their body heat. Oval, round or bolster beds are the best options.
  • Burrowers: These dogs like to go under the covers. They like a cozy nest to sleep in. Hooded or cave type beds are the best options.
  • Leaners: These are dogs that like to lean or lay their head against something. This gives them support as they sleep. Bolster beds are the best option.

In order to know your dog’s sleeping style you need to observe how he sleeps. Then take the appropriate action in choosing his bed.

Step 2: Measure Your Dog

This is a critical step not to overlook. To know the length of a bed, measure from the tip of his nose to the base of his tail and add 5 inches. To know the width of a bed, measure from his paws to the top of his body and add 5 inches. Now, look for a bed that meets these measurements.

Step 3: Know The Age & Health of Your Dog

The age and health of your dog plays a vital role in the proper bed selection. If your pet is a puppy, getting a bed that he can grow into is a must. Otherwise, you will be tossing the bed out and buying a larger size one within a year. Ask your vet how large your pet will grow and buy a bed that will fit him accordingly.

If your pet is getting up in age, you should consider buying an orthopedic bed to help his aching joints and muscles. Please note, as dog’s age, they develop arthritis and have aching joints and muscles. So, orthopedic beds provides them comfort during these later years.

Step 4: Know Your Dog’s Weight

Some beds are determined by the weight of your dog. If you are buying him an orthopedic bed, you don’t want it to flatten out over time. This is true for large dog breeds. Take this into consideration when buying a bed. For smaller dogs, a nice soft bed will do just fine.

Step 5: Is Your Dog A Chewer

This is the final step to consider when purchasing a dog bed. Beds that contain memory foam or some form of support will be torn to shreds by an aggressive chewing dog. There are some dog bed brands that guarantee their beds against chewers. We highly recommend you consider buying a bed that has this guarantee. These beds are more expensive, but worth it.

Final Suggestions

As we close out this guide, most dog bed brands offer multiple colors to choose from. Choose a dog bed that best fits the room’s décor where it will be placed. Dogs don’t see in color like humans do. So, select a bed that you like to see every day.

Another point is where the bed will be placed. Dogs like to have a place they call home. Place his bed in an area where there will be less traffic and out of the way.

Some dogs may be shy at first going into his bed. You may need to train him. Just give him one of his favorite treats and he will be sleeping on his bed in no time. Give him a treat only when he is actually on the bed and give him verbal praise. Continue this until he goes to his bed without using any treats.

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